How It Works

Scanning The Area

The sensor provides RGB and depth data using a structured light system which uses an eye safe infra-red laser which allows the robot to map its environment.

Capable of working in complete darkness removing the need for specialised lighting – 3D mapping is a quick process which allows the robot to move collision free within the environment.

Planning The Job

The sophisticated yet robust sensing and control technologies combine pre-existing geometric data (where possible) with a scanned 3D map of the real environment.

In seconds the ALPHA-1 system plans an optimum arm trajectory, taking into account blast nozzle speed, distance and angle to surface and any obstacles in the area. Complete area coverage, or spot blasting can be performed. All robot mapping and planning is conducted on the hand-held remote control computer.


The graphical display shows a detailed 3D image of the scanned 3D data, templates and autonomously planned blasting motion.

The operator can preview the path the robot will take as well as view current progress.

Typical scan sequence takes less than two minutes, after which the robot is ready to begin blasting.


The operator can easily vary the speed of the blast gun, select particular areas for spot blasting, select which surfaces to blast and which to avoid as well perform troubleshooting and maintenance tasks via the hand-held remote.

Most blasters would be incapable of blasting for long periods with this configuration, particularly at long arm reach or overhead – allows the robot to experience further productivity gains.

See It In Action